Thursday, August 30, 2007

Facebook Invasion

Businessweek has been paying a bit of attention to the influx of older users on the social networking site (Fogeys Flock to Facebook and Too Old for Facebook?).

The 35-and-up crowd now accounts for more than 41% of all Facebook visitors. was originally designed to be a social network open only to those who had .edu e-mail addresses, mainly college students. The site programmers would add a network for a college only if the demand was high enough.

I was a junior when my college was welcomed to the Facebook world, and I quickly learned to love the site.

Facebook opened to the general public on Sep 27, 2006. At first, like most college students, I was not happy about this change.

But, as a self-confessed social networking addict, I have learned to enjoy the fact that more people have joined the site. I was surprised when friends of mine who were born in 1960 and 1947 created profiles.

If you choose to join Facebook, pay careful attention to the tips in Avoiding Facebook Faux Pas.

Don’t be afraid to ask Facebook users for help. We’re pretty friendly people.


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