CHENer Coaches Beep Baseball Team to World Series
For many years now, Bryan has been quietly coaching the Boston Renegades, a beepball team sponsored by the Association of Blind Citizens Inc. Beep baseball, or beepball for short, is an adapted version of the game for the blind and visually impaired. You can read more about it here.
That's Bryan in the photo above, on the right, giving sage counsel to team member Kae Ann Rausch after a failed at bat. Photo credit: Sarah Gatzke
Next week, the Renegades will travel to Rochester, Minn. for the beepball World Series. The Renegades are finishing the regular season with a 5-5 record.
Our Red Sox hats and one Yankee hat are off to Bryan for his work with the Renegades.
Modest...Yes I'd say that fits Mr. Grillo. He is one of the core pieces to the Renegade coaching staff. Bryan is one of the most dedicated coaches this team has ever had. He works very hard and is a huge part of the team defense. Bryan is what we call the caller. When the batter puts the ball in play, Bryan calls out to the defense to alert them to where the ball is and how hard it is hit. If you want to laugh, ask him to call a short 2 ball for you. You will be guaranteed a good chuckle!
Thanks for all of your help in making this team tick...Let's have our first ever winning season!
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