Everything I Always Wanted My Clients to Know About PR...

Geri, the founder of Denterlein Worldwide, a public affairs firm, has written an article for Inc. Magazine in the form of a letter to clients - past, present and future. Here's the opener from the staff at Inc.:
Of all the outside firms that entrepreneurs employ, PR firms probably have the toughest time getting--and staying--in their clients' good graces. Some companies feel they aren't getting as much media play as they deserve, while others think they're garnering the wrong kind of attention.
Geri covers a lot of good points, including a few favorites:
- When it comes to making news, you have to recognize that one of the key elements of a compelling article is conflict. Businesses that are willing to acknowledge adversity can reap enormous PR rewards.
- Besides conflict, reporters are always looking for the next big trend or a fresh take on a topic that's dominating the news. If you can identify either of these, you can expect a good clip and a long-lasting relationship with that happy reporter--but you must tell your PR person as soon as possible.
- What else can you do to improve your working relationship with your PR firm? Make sure you take an active role--but not too active. One of our clients is never available for our weekly call. Another client peppers us with an idea (or 10) du jour. Much like Goldilocks, we constantly seek clients who act just right.
Labels: entrepreneurs, PR
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