CHEN PR Clients Contribute to Successful Xconomy XSITE 2010 event

At CHEN PR we’ve learned to look forward to Xconomy events, and yesterday’s XSITE 2010 event (attended and blogged on today by my colleague Juli Greenwood as well) was no exception.
I was there to hear the CEOs of two CHEN PR clients present (see photos): Chris Randles, President and CEO of SpaceClaim, and Tom Pincince, President and CEO of Digital Lumens.
Chris was part of a panel entitled “Designing the Next Economy,” moderated by Wade Roush and comprising executives from the area’s many 3D design-oriented companies. As was Xconomy’s intention, the panel did a nice job of underscoring Boston as a center of innovation in this fascinating market.
Tom presented as part of the XSITE Xpo at the end of the day where a dozen executives in 3 different sectors presented their diverse companies’ business plan and value proposition. Those of us in PR and marketing talk a lot about the need to give an “elevator pitch.” Often we’re speaking metaphorically but in the case of this event Tom performed admirably in delivering a literal, 3-minute elevator pitch.
Yesterday’s event followed an enjoyable MIT Enterprise Forum event held to thank the organization’s many volunteers. Our agency has been involved with this group for years so there were lots of friendly and familiar faces. Congratulations to Trish Fleming and the entire team at the forum for another successful year of informing and engaging activities.
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