Friday, October 24, 2008

Marshmallows, Metatomix and MassTLC

It remains a deadlock between my top two moments from last night's MassTLC award ceremony - lobbing a marshmallow at founder Jeff Taylor or watching Metatomix VP of marketing Jon Pilkington accept his CXO of the Year award.

The marshmallow toss was an impromptu part of Taylor's - the night's emcee - opening remarks. An usually rowdy crowd took things one step past the deferred gratification analogy and sent a barrage of the tasty treats up on stage to end the night.

This was really just icing on the cake as we'd already gotten to see our friend and client at Metatomix take home top honors as the year's best CXO. Once the hardware made its way to table 15, our contingent of CHENers and the team from Metatomix enjoyed the rest of night basking in Jon's glory and sharing some laughs. Congrats to Jon and Metatomix for a well-deserved win.

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