John Wall has tagged me for
BlogDay. I am all twitterpated over this; it's the big excitement of my week. A bit of background from
Jeff Pulver:
BlogDay was created by Nir Ofir in 2005 with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries, cultures and areas of interest. BlogDay 2007 is taking place on August 31st.
And the suggested rules from Jeff:
When creating your BlogDay blog entry, please try to follow these instructions:
- List five Blogs that you find interesting and if you can tell, include the city/country where they are from.
- Identify five Bloggers to tag to join in this game with you. I recommend emailing the bloggers you tag to give them a heads up of you tagging them.
- Use the tag: BlogDay2007 in your blog post.
- (Optionally): Contact the owners of the blogs you shared as your "blogs to take a look at."
Without further ado, here are my five blogs:
BetterWorldBooks - I've run into these guys because of
Room to Read, a nonprofit that builds schools and libraries in developing countries. BWB (Mishawaka, IN) collects books (mostly through book drives on college campuses and libraries), sells them online and donates the proceeds to literacy and education organizations. RtR is one of the nonprofits BWB supports. This blog is invariably inspiring and hopeful.
green-vox - This is the blogging home for
Dwell Creative, (Portland, Maine) which popped up in my Google Alerts earlier this year because they got profiled in a to-die-for NYT
article on green agencies. "Dwell Creative is an advertising + pr agency focused on positivity and authenticity. Most traditional advertising agencies promote consumption as a way of life. Our approach focuses on authentic messages as brands." I just love their writing and their mission.
Chris Brogan - Chris (also from Mass.) is well known already and he's taught me a lot about social networking and all kinds of new stuff. Chris has created this nice Ning network of Grasshoppers with the sole purpose of being helpful to other folks in the network.
GenuineVC - David Beisel's (Venrock) thoughtful writing on the local VC scene and all things digital. This meaty
post on Seven Digital Uber Trends is a good read.
GOOD Magazine - Runs a nice blog; here's an interesting
post on a system under the floors that converts the footsteps of crowds into energy! In their words: "GOOD is providing a platform for the ideas, people, and businesses that are driving change in the world."
Do I have to stop at five? Let me add two bonus blogs: - I met Megan (from our fair state) at
BlogHer Business this year. She's cool and runs a fun site. It's just a tad different from what I do for a living.
Innovation Economy - It's not like Scott Kirsner needs my help in generating visibility :), but he's just back to our fair city, and this blog is fairly new, so check it out. It's also the title of his weekly Globe column, and as usual, he's got his finger on the pulse.
My other favorites are
Fake Steve,
Kawasaki and
Huffington Post, but I figure those are already pretty famous.
Happy BlogDay!
Labels: BlogDay, BlogDay2007, blogging, BlogHer