When the Boss Blogs
There have been countless articles on CEO blogging, but here's a good read by Jeneane D. Sessum for Global PR Blog Week 2.0. It's also chock full of links to other good articles on the topic.
Here's some good advice from Bob Cramer, CEO of LiveVault -- better known to me as an active and involved citizen of my town:
“Blogging is about expressing yourself and how you feel—whether it’s your market, industry trends, current events, or some other topic,” he says. “It’s not about selling product or writing a sales pitch. While I would urge every CEO to blog, I would also urge them to write about things they know about, to be personal, to understand that this is not your ‘company’ speaking—it’s you speaking.”
This quote from Natural Logic CEO Gil Friend was particularly heartwarming, as he notes that blogging is just another mechanism to communicate with his community at large:
"The conversation happens through blogging and around the water cooler," he says. "It happens in performance reviews, in the lunchroom, in the boardroom. Extended across the organization’s lifecycle is the defining conversation the company has with itself and its value chain. And every organization has the opportunity to have this conversation, to make it broadly participatory, to make it rich, and to have it in all the forums where it can occur."