Sunday, May 14, 2006

Social Networking Soars

Traffic to the top 10 social networking sites in April collectively grew 47% from the same time in 2005, reaching a total of 68.8 million unique visitors, or 45% of active web users in the U.S., according to Nielsen//NetRatings. (Why two slashes? I don't get it.)

The Oscar winners of social networking:

MySpace - 38.4 million visitors, up a whopping 367% year over year
Blogger - 18.5, up 80% (The tool used to create this blog - so we're in good company)
Classmates Online - 12.8, up 10% (Babyboomers go nostalgic)
YoTube - 12.5, N/A
MSN Groups - 10.6, down 14%
AOL Hometown - 9.6, down 15% (ouch)
Yahoo! Groups - 9.1, up 11%
MSN Spaces - 7.1, up 286% (Don't ask me how this is different from MSN Groups)
Six Apart TypePad - 6.7, up 32% - 6.6, up 27%


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